About Me

I am NyiNyiAung and I finished high school in 2020. I also finished Dioplma in Network Communcation at KMD. When I started learing programming 1year ago, now I know a lot about programming. I studied (Vue,Firebase) and Laravel in creativecoder website. I did a lot of projects by myself and posted on github. When I'm doing coding, it gives me pleasure and I also love it. I enjoy learning new things and I'm always learning new programming too. My dream is to be a software engineer oneday.For that I'm always doing projects by myself with the knowledge that I already know.



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FullStack Junior
Web Developer

Personal Information

Email: nyinyiaung200316@gmail.com

Phone: 09454983106

Address: Yangon,Hmawbi

Personal Summary

I have been learning programming for 1year by my-self and classes. In these one year, I did a lot of projects on my own for improving my programming skills and debugging skill. I want to be a software enginner in the future and want to create like facebook and twitter. To be a software engineer, I always keep learing new things and doing projects to make things better with the knowledge i already know. I also love coding and it gives me pleasure.


I have finished high school in 2019.I also finished Diploma in Network Communication in KMD Institute. I finished N4 level in Japanese and My english skill is also reached in pre-intermediate level.

Work Experience

I have no experience in work but I am always doing my own projects and posted in github. That’s why I have a little experience in projects. You can see my projects on my github.

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